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Weekly Newsletter 24-01-25


Pupil Parliament: Leading the Way in Our School and Community!

Our Pupil Parliament members take trips around our local community, organize special events at school, and are hard at work planning Children’s Mental Health Week in February. They’re all true superstars! 



This week at Co-op Academy Woodslee


Year 2's Money Magic: Adding Coins and Loving Learning!

In Year 2, we’re diving into learning all about money! 💰 The children have been practicing their addition skills by adding coins together to reach a total sum. Miss Fletcher was so impressed by their enthusiasm and love for learning today! Well done, Year 2! 🤩🤗





Maths Superstar: Surveying Flavours and Creating Pictograms

This little superstar worked incredibly hard in her Maths lesson this morning! She conducted a survey to discover her classmates' favourite ice cream flavours and then presented her data in a pictogram. Miss Bostock is beyond proud! 👏🏻🍦

English Star: Crafting Sentences Like a Pro!

Miss Bostock and the entire Birch team were absolutely blown away by this young man’s incredible effort in English this morning. He wrote some fantastic sentences using fronted adverbials! ✍🏼
“Below the sea, the monsters lurked, waiting for Arthur to let his guard down so they could strike.” Wow!!! Roald Dahl, eat your heart out! 👏🏻⭐️💙


Community News

Coming up next week! Everyone welcome

Ride and Rant

Support our “Ride and Rant” for Wirral Mind!

🚴‍♀️This Time to Talk Day, Co-op Academy Woodslee, Portland and Hillside are going all out to support mental health awareness with our “Ride and Rant” spinathon!

🚴‍♂️On Saturday, 8th February, a group of staff will be cycling non-stop for 6 hours at Bidston Sports and Activity Centre to raise funds for Wirral Mind, an incredible charity supporting mental health in our local community.

🚴‍♀️The event kicks off with spin classes led by our fabulous school staff, followed by a team effort to keep the wheels turning. Together, we’ll tag-team to ensure at least one bike is spinning at all times and tally up our miles to see how far we can go.

🚴‍♂️Exercise is a fantastic way to boost mental wellbeing, and this event is all about getting people moving, talking and supporting a cause that makes a real difference.

Please donate to help us reach our goal and support Wirral Mind in their vital work. Every pound raised will help provide mental health resources and support to those who need it most.

Let’s cycle, chat, and make a difference together. Thank you for your generosity!

Here is the link:


Dates for your Diary


20th & 21st Jan - Bikeability for Year 6 

24th - Year 6 cake sale 3pm

From 22nd to 29th Jan - Bikeability Year 5 Please speak with the School Office if you need to know the schedule for your child. 

29th - Chinese New Year themed lunch 


Thursday 6th- World Book Day

Friday 25th- World Down Syndrome Awareness day 



Thurs 6th - Time to Talk Day

Friday 7th- school Spinathon

Saturday 8th- Staff Spinathon (donations to Wirral Mind via Go Fund me)

Friday 14th- school closes for half term

Monday 24th- school reopens



Improving attendance is everyone’s business. The barriers to accessing education are wide and complex, both within and beyond the school gates, and are often specific to individual pupils and families. At Co-op Academy Woodslee, we will do all we can to support your family and ensure our academy is safe, calm and a supportive environment for your child. Let’s celebrate everyone’s success together.




Year 1


Year 2


Year 3


Year 4


Year 5


Year 6



"Congratulations to Year 6 for the highest attendance this week!"

From all the staff at Woodslee

How can I improve my children’s attendance? 


Follow NHS advice for any mild illnesses. 

Promote good hand hygiene with your children. 

Liaise with the Early Help team who will support you as a family. 

Speak to your child’s teacher as a collaborative approach is essential


If your child is absent from school, you must inform the school office by 9am of the reason for absence.


The school office now opens at 8:20am and closes at 3:45pm.

To keep updated on all things Hillside, please follow us on our Twitter and Facebook

Come and join our team at Co-op Academy Woodslee as Assistant Cook: